Writing the Five Genii Way

Mind, Heart & Soul

Legend has it that all you have to do
to get a wish
is to rub a brass lamp.

If only writing were that easy.

Writing will never be “easy,”
but the purpose of this website is to help
make it easier.

Hello and welcome to my website.

I am Lois Easton and I’ve written the materials on this site to give you a variety of ways to think about writing, some (perhaps) different from what you have encountered on other sites. I hope you can adapt (and then adopt) what I’ve written to your own writing needs.

Before you start to explore this website, use the list below to think about your challenges as a writer.

What parts of the writing process (for fiction and nonfiction) are hardest? Easiest? Or, somewhere in between?

Possible writing Challenges?

  • Deciding what to write
  • Getting started
  • Getting stuck. . .and unstuck
  • Sticking with it
  • Improving what you have written


#18 – Stewing in Your Sentences

Imagine a flavorful stew. Bobbing around in a spicy broth might be chunks of meat, carrots, potatoes (not too soft), celery, onion. Perhaps, once-frozen peas or kernels of corn. Turnips (if you like them) and a few cloves of garlic. Banana slices. Cubes of toasted pumpernickel. Jellied moose nose. Coral worms and circus peanuts to intensify the taste.

Wait! What? You might be trying to thwart a gag reflex after reading the last few ingredients in this “flavorful” stew. Reading a sentence stew can be as revolting. Few authors set out to write a sentence stew, but they may end up doing so for several reasons, feeling queasy as they add each ingredient.

A sentence stew is a paragraph (stew) of sentences (ingredients) that should never be combined (nor, in some cases, consumed separately).

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#17 – Words, Words, Words – I’m So Sick of Words

Occasionally, as a writer you might want to yell about how sick you are of words, especially if you must find the right word “all day through” just to inch your manuscript into the next sentence or paragraph. Eliza Doolittle in the 1964 filmed musical My Fair Lady sang I’m so sick of words! I get words all day through though she was not a writer. In fact, phonetics Professor Henry Higgins was trying to liberate her from the Cockney accent that identified her as a flower seller in Covent Garden, and she was sick of repeating “The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain” and other ditties. Most writers, like the late Robert MacNeil, are crazy about words. This blog is about choosing the right words.

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#16 – I Can See Clearly Now: Revising and Editing

Most writers dislike revising and editing. If you haven’t reached this stage in the writing process, you may be dreading it. If you have, you may dislike it as much as most writers. Or you may be like me. I enjoy this part of the process because it means that I have written something. I’m not staring at a blank page. I have something to work with, something I can improve. During most of the writing process, I do not see very clearly. Writing is like making my way through fog. I can’t do much to make the fog disappear. All I can do is lurch through the murkiness waiting for the fog to part itself and reveal some clear sky. Once I have a complete draft – notice I did not claim it was perfect – I see some blue sky for the rest of my work.

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#15 – Getting Stuck and Unstuck

The song “Stuck in the Middle with You” by Stealers Wheel is stuck in my mind, an agreeable kind of earworm. The part that crawls around in my head is the refrain: Clowns to the left of me/Jokers to the right/Here I am stuck in the middle with you. The part I pay attention to when I’m writing is I’ve got the feeling that something ain’t right/I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair/And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs. That’s how I feel when I’m stuck somewhere in the middle of my writing and can’t figure out how to get unstuck. This blog is about the universal author experience of getting stuck and unstuck.

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#14 – You Don’t Say

Blog 12 “Courting Characters” and Blog 13 “Creating Characters” were all about characterization. Well, not quite all. Although they dwelt on determining which characters you wanted to populate your fiction and how to reveal them, they didn’t go far enough. They didn’t address the sine qua non of characterization: dialogue. The phrase sine qua non is a perfect, if somewhat snooty, way to describe the effects of dialogue. It is essential for “nailing a character,” as author Rita Mae Brown puts it. It is as necessary as chocolate chips in chocolate chip cookies.

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#13 – Creating Characters

Now that you have courted characters (Blog #12) for your story, novel, screenplay, or other fiction and can identify a possible protagonist, an antagonist, a co-protagonist or – antagonist, a love interest, a foil, or even some tertiary characters, you’re ready to create them. I know! That sounds backwards. But once you have in mind some characters (and the conflict and possible plot that links them) you’re ready to go deeper, particularly to create characters as fully as you can before beginning to write. After that, they’ll take over. . .but that’s another blog.

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  • It is beyond basic. You can get prescriptions for good writing from any number of venerated guides. A still popular guide is The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. I’ll introduce you to others in my blogs.
  • It capitalizes on my years of being a teacher, both of K-12 students and adult learners. I believe I can teach you (and learn from you).
  • It capitalizes on writing experiences that have led to publication (7 nonfiction books and over 50 smaller pieces). Though nonfiction, all of the books and many of the smaller pieces feature narratives (fiction).
  • It capitalizes on my recent completion of a full-length novel, Through the Five Genii Gate.
  • It reflects my fascination with and study of learning. I have studied learning — my own and others’ — nearly all my life and believe I understand how people (including you) learn.
  • It is holistic. Systems thinking has helped me understand how complex writing is. Writers are among those who need to focus on the whole, even as they address one or more of the parts. Writing is not just the sum of its parts. In fiction the characters + the plot + the setting + the theme add up, but a novel or a poem is much more than the sum. In nonfiction, the premise + development + evidence + details + a rip-roaring conclusion do not equal the whole. Think of the whole as any of these words: meaning, relevancy, application, congruity, spirit, and significance. Writing works when there is continuity among the parts. It works when there are relationships and interactions among the parts.
  • It may seem counterintuitive. Sometimes what may seem nonsensical is exactly what is needed to make writing work. It’s okay for a writer to choose the absurd, the daft, and even the zany when he understands why he might do so.


About This Website
and its Writer

Why should I trust this website and its writer? Find out more about Lois Easton and her career as a writer.

Why Does This Website Reference 5 Genii?

Learn about Lois's 8th book, a novel called Through the Five Genii Gate, about a woman who finds a meaningful life in China, but ...

How to Contact
the Author

Email the author if you have questions or overall comments about the material on this website.

©2025 Lois Easton