Writing the Five Genii Way

Mind, Heart & Soul of writing

Category: Getting Started

#12 – Courting Characters; Getting Started

At the end of the last blog (#11 Giving Chase to Plot), I invited you to “Choose one [word] from Column A and one from Column B [and] imagine a plot based on the two words. Imagine a few episodes you’d want to develop your plot.” I wrote, “Each combination suggests a plot to me – at this point, not very exciting – but, still, a plot.” Not really. I prevaricated, stretched the truth a bit. I found only one combination that suggested a viable plot to me.

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#11 – Giving Chase to Plot

What does giving chase have to do with writing? In this and the next three blogs, I explore how writing is an ongoing process of chasing what works in fiction and non-fiction. It’s not prolonged and unrelenting, just steady. We persist, sometimes in the subway of our minds (see my first blog), until we understand what works. When I checked the derivation of the word chase, I learned at vocabulary.com that To chase is to follow or go after someone or something you want. This activity is called a chase. Dogs chase cats, cats chase mice, and mice are in big trouble. The word chase tried to run away from the Old French word chacier for “to hunt or strive for,” but we caught it.”

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#10 Pacing: Eating Raw Rhubarb

How fast would you eat raw rhubarb? Ice cream? Saltwater taffy? These and other questions invite you to think about pace. The key is to move along as fast as the mind of the reader. . .but how do you know how fast the mind of the reader wants to go?

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#9 – Finding the Beginning in the Middle

So, where do you start?

The answer is simple. You write what you need to write. Then you have permission to begin your piece there or search for it somewhere else – a few pages beyond the first page, in the middle of the piece, even at the end of the piece.

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#7 – Your First Word is Your Last

The title of this blog sounds a bit like a warning. Beware: Your first word is your last. It’s not, however. It’s just a crisp way of saying that you won’t get to the last word of your writing if you don’t write a first word.

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